My Crystal Ball June 19, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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My Crystal Ball June 19, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

When the dust clears, it will be shown that the virus was developed in France, at the Pasteur Institute, and transported to the World Military Games by French participants who released it in Wuhan.
BOTH the Chinese and the Americans were set up in one stroke by the EU. The difference is that the Chinese quickly woke up and reacted appropriately, applying sensible medication, turning off the 5G network, not vaccinating their people, and not promoting any hysteria.
The Americans fell right into the next step of the NATO trap----paying billions for "vaccines" that are not vaccines, but which are genetic modifications--- modifications which will kill us over time, as the vaccinated individuals encounter "trigger diseases".
For some, the trigger will be the Common Cold, for others it will be Hay fever, for others.... but the end result is the same. Their immune systems have been specifically compromised and disabled, and without any defense against the trigger disease, they will die by the millions, just not all at once and just not by any one identifiable cause. Don't worry about viral shedding or avoiding those who have been vaccinated in social situations--- similar to HIV, you can only become infected by more intimate contact.
But in the end, the problem isn't a virus. The problem isn't even that millions of people have been changed into self-destructing GMO's via injection---and there is relatively little that we can do about this or about the results. A specifically compromised immune system is a specifically compromised immune system.
No, the problem is that there are men so warped, so twisted, so insane, that they would do something like this to millions of innocent, unarmed civilians. The problem is that there are other men so twisted and warped and insane that they have helped these monsters and covered up their tracks and spewed propaganda in support of this "program".
This isn't a Chinese attack. This is a NATO attack brought on because all their dirty dealing is about to be exposed, and their debt to the Americans is past due to be paid. They are killing off their Priority Creditors. And they are using our own doctors and nurses as "Uniformed Officers" licensed by their own privately owned and operated Municipal Corporation to do it. They are corporate criminals. Nothing more or less.
We have renewed our demand that the entire corporate structure supporting this be liquidated: NIH, gone. CDC, gone. WHO, gone. Moderna, gone. Pfizer, gone. Johnson and Johnson, gone. AMA, gone. And the list goes on, including the members of the Municipal and Territorial Congresses who chose to go bankrupt and leave nobody holding the accountability bag for this debacle.

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