Increase milk production in dairy cows / concentrate feed mix...

3 years ago

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The production of milk in cows is made by Better growth and greater resistance to the cow's ills resulting from the consumption of grains and milk by the cow. Feeding of grain mixtures can be started. To get the cows used to grain mixtures, add a handful of grain mixture.

The mineral blend for cows is a blend of protein-rich grains, desirable like milk. A medium protein grain blend is best suited when milk is fed freely.

The food supplement for cattle must contemplate the minimum wastage of nutrients and the maximum return of the milk produced. A concentrated mixture consisting of protein supplements such as oil cakes, energy sources such as cereal grains (corn, cassava), tapioca chips and laxative foods such as bran (rice bran, wheat bran, grass husk) is often used for increase milk production in cows. The feed mix for cows containing the main and all trace elements should be included at a 2 percent level.

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