God's Decree? Autocrats Forfeit Title Human For "It" They Now Be, Till Penance Made. Amen.

3 years ago

​Of Noble Deeds Scribed in Perpetuity: Freedom Fighters​​​​​​​

We the freedom fighters knight champions of democracy hereby herald heavens proclamation; tis we, us, all, be of humanity created free. Life is more than inalienable; tis God-given right to live neither body nor voice bound shackled in iron clad of servitude caged in cell forged in subjugation for equal under heavens cosmic sky we be.

Scribed in DNA immortality be bestowed upon none hear the word no God only despotism the autocrat you be, impale righteous speech and freedom of the innocent multitudes to service your greed; heaven's edict herald's you the autocrats and minions forfeit right to be of human for no commonality exists, neither just, compassion, noble or humility you display.

History in perpetuity you are known, forever no longer resemblance or belonging till penance made. We the freedom fighters vanguard of peace hurt nor harm, but strive we do exalt in the deeds, seek freedom for futures fantastic all ours to make as free human beings here on Gods earth; not yours! Amen.

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