Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night...

3 years ago

One of my favourite poems and is more pertinent now, more than ever. By the renowned poet Dylan Thomas; it encapsulates not just our striving to stave off the mental and spiritual death of old age, but that light that dims in all things related to, or a part of, this perplexing creature that is life and sentience. I shall never go gentle into that good night and neither should anyone with a still-beating heart; furious at the contumeliousness of the Hadean nature of these so-called "rulers of us all"! Rage, Rage Against the Dying of the Light!

My email is - send me an email, just so I can keep in touch with you and tell you as to what platforms I will be on next; the censorship is really bad here. I set up two other channels “SilasCannotBeSilenced” and “SilasCensored”, all of which were censored approximately five minutes after posting my first comment on them. I am obviously close to the truth as I am being censored insanely and the videos are being algorithmically Black-holed.

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God bless you all and I hope you find peace in such tumultuous times, as we are seeing now. :)

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