LEOSA HR218/Down Range

3 years ago

LEOSA HR 218 Retired Officers Firearms Qualification. $30.00.
Pursuant to NRS 202.3678, we offer it's honorably retired law enforcement officers the opportunity to qualify with their firearm pursuant to 18 USC 926C(c). Though law enforcement standards are to maintain your qualification annually in order to maintain your Title 18 USC certification, Robison Tactical offers monthly qualifications for two reason; first to keep your skills up and secondly, to keep your skills up.
Indian Springs Shooting Area
Monthly dates are scheduled and are available on our website www.robisontactical.com on the Course Calendar for your review. Reserve yours or your groups time and for course details on the website, or you may call direct at: (702) 308-3942.
Please note that this is a qualification course only. If you would like other forms of firearms training or tactical training, please register for those courses separately.

"Down Range" is a course designed to apply the skills learned from the "Firearm Fundamentals and Gun Safety" course. You will continue to improve on safe gun handling at the range while enhancing your skill development. You will also be applying all range safety, range orientation and etiquette principals. The "Firearm Fundamentals and Gun Safety" is a prerequisite to taking the "Down Range" course. We do honor other certificates showing you have had prior instruction and training in gun safety. Student must know his/her firearm, what sight alignment is and how to use it.
. Learn to work safely and shoot from a bench position.
. Learn to clear stoppage(s) and understand the difference between a stoppage and a malfunction.
. Learn to effectively perform in your work space.
. Learn to improvement in shot placement.
. Learn safety, safety, safety.
. Learn to convert your body alarm response to proactive movement.
. Learn deliberate trigger control for hydra shock results.
​$75.00 - per person
Call 702-308-3942 to register.

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