Got a cat? Train your Furry Friend for litter.

3 years ago

The cat is a very independent animal, and many cat owners will tell you that it is this independence that makes the cat such a comfortable companion around the house.

Probably the very first training you’ll want to give your cat will be in using the litter box, for very obvious reasons.

Litter Box Training.
Training a cat to use a litter box usually isn’t difficult. Cats are generally clean by nature and have a natural inclination to bury their waste. Use these steps to train your cat to start using a litter box.

Behavior Training.
If your cat is doing some things that you’d really prefer it didn’t do, there’s a good chance that you can train that bad behavior away. But first, try to understand why the cat is behaving that way. There’s a reason, and from the cat’s perspective, of course, the behavior is perfectly reasonable.

Cat Scratching Post.
Spend time near the post encouraging your cat to interact with it. Play with the cat near the post and incorporate it into your play.

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