This is why the democrat party divide’s Americans she gets it

3 years ago

I personally don’t care what your beliefs are when it comes to religion. That is your choice to believe as you choose that is none of my business or my right to judge you for your beliefs. That was one of the core issues I had with the democrat party & a big reason why I #walkedaway. The way I view it is like this you have one life it’s yours to do with as you choose. Since you only have one life shouldn’t you enjoy that experience? I personally have a great deal of respect for her standing up & calling out the importance of lives whom are unable to fight for themselves. If more people had the courage this lady has. I believe that the world would be a better place as whole. Don’t let people gas light you ALL LIVES MATTER especially unborn children. Don’t let others silence you using identity politics or race cards. Always stand up for what you truly believe in & never let anyone force you to do group think like some blind sheep. After all that’s today’s democrat party or woke uninformed self entitled children. That preach to you their values like theirs matter above yours. While innocent children are murdered daily by groups like planned parenthood. Always remember a life taken is a life destroyed. Americans need to stand together to fight to change this sicknesses of evil that plagues our great country.

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