2/2 MASSIVE Fukushima (and nuke) Update For June 2021 – THE CORRECT VIEWS 06/18/2021

3 years ago

Greetings Unsettled Souls,
‘Tis Sam Di Gangi, curator of The Correct Views, thanking YOU for sharing, hitting subscribe, and leaving comments to go with the thumbs up. If YOU – YOU reading this – if YOU don’t hit share, no one will ever hear about the facts via:
U.F.O.’s taking American nuke plants offline? Doesn’t this seem a bit odd? Let us take a deeper look at this, shall we?;
China, hardly the bastion of honesty (in lights of what the Fauci emails have shown us, clearly), is actually correct when they say that Japan mislead the world about Fukushima. Again, after the COVID-19 nightmare, China would certainly know.;
Speaking of China, why is Hunter Biden knee-deep in investments to/for Chinese nuclear power plants? There is enough proof to show that this is fact, not a theory of something used to deflect from the facts. Rather, sadly, these ARE the facts;
THE DUMBDEE OF THE DAY – and yes, it pertains (AGAIN) to Japan refusing to follow the sound teachings of real science and, instead, using bunk science to justify a poisonious release into the ocean.;
This is part 2 of 2.

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