18062021 Tax is voluntary - knowing the difference between "should" and "must", is key.

3 years ago

18062021 Tax is voluntary - knowing the difference between "should" and "must", is key.

We, all of us have been "conditioned" to submit, the mechanism used for this "conditioning" is the education system.

Decade after decade the boa-constrictor strangulation has continued and with each passing generation the knowledge deliberately hidden (almost lost) and compliance promoted.

Well the time has come - we simply decide to withdraw our consent.. simple as that.

It is also important to stay in touch with your money - so a take a VERY CLOSE LOOK search for your local federal member and your twelve Senators expenses here
www.ipea.gov.au/pwe - take a good look - that's your money folks.
Are you tired of funding these corporate treasonous thieves? ACTION NOW

To the Payroll Officer
I (insert your full name) withdraw consent, there is to be NO further PAYG withheld from my wages effective immediately.

Yours sincerely
(Sign and Date)

BTW - submitting a tax return is "voluntary self assessment", stop doing that.

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