USA Flag model ph

3 years ago

Fortunately, technology - and, thus, photography - has come a long way in 200 years. Nowadays, you and your prom date can take 1,200 pictures before your dad has time to say “Son, let’s talk about the human body.”

With technology changes come industry changes. Thanks to social media, anybody with a smartphone and at least one hand can be a photographer. Of course, there are certain occasions for which we will always demand professionals: weddings, concerts, miscellaneous gatherings pertaining to the occult, et cetera. Still, there is no denying that the division between consumer and producer continues to grow blurrier in the digital age.

This blurriness means several things for the industry. For one, the barriers to entry for prospective photographers have crumbled. In addition to the proliferation of smartphones over the past decade, high-quality cameras and professional editing software have become largely affordable. Good: lower barriers to entry increase competition and push down market prices. Bad: the saturation of the internet with photographs across the quality spectrum makes it hard to distinguish the artists from the courses
photo studio
photo gallery
how to click pictures?

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