Anchored In Truth

3 years ago

In a culture where our lives are spinning round and round in deception and all the chaos this deception creates in our lives, we so need to tap into the reality of God’s Truth. God’s Truth is our stabilizer in these chaotic times where right is lifted up as wrong and wrong is lifted up as right. God’s truth is what anchors us to reality. There is so much fake reality that is just busting loose into our lives, sometimes even knocking at our own doors with the faces of family and friends. We can’t escape it, the false narratives, the fake news, the deceived people. Deception is so prevalent in our present cancel God culture, permeating falsity into the whole of our societies. We so need the Spirit of Truth, Jesus, to be alive in us, to be at the center of our spiritual core, deep inside of us. We need to diligently guard our hearts with God’s truth in times like these. Heart TO Heart, I highly encourage you as we grow through the dark times ahead, to stay anchored in God’s truth. Make sure you do not drift away on the current of deceiving cultural trends. God changes not, He has not changed His mind about what is sin and what is not sin. So, don’t be deceived by the say-so of this incredibly lawless culture who are serving no power higher than self, through a distressed morality of “whatever feels right, than do it”. We need to wholly-holy align ourselves with God and His Truth, digging our life roots deeply in His Kingdom. Dig Deeper:

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