About Structure and Purpose -- Orientation of Assemblies June 16, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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About Structure and Purpose -- Orientation of Assemblies June 16, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

People new to our Assemblies are often like lost ducklings, feeling uncertain about "What's next?" and "How does this work?"
Many fall back on their prior experience with hierarchical systems and try to rebuild such a structure, at least in their minds, in the Assembly. They ask -- "Who is in charge?"
During the assembling phase, and until the Assembly is fully functional and on its own, the Coordinator is in charge of making sure that the Assembly members are properly declared and recorded as Americans, and that the four functions that are common to all American Assemblies are up and going. Once the Assembly is organized and fully functional with these basics in place, the Coordinator's position sunsets.
Each Assembly has four basic functions and all Assemblies have at least these four functions that they ultimately need to provide:
General Assembly handles in-state business. Business Assembly handles out of state business. Jural Assembly handles court services and issues. Militia Assembly handles militia services.
The State Assembly which is the embodiment of these sub-assemblies is a Committee of the Whole.
So what does that mean? It means we have no "positions of authority" that are executive in nature. We don't have a Chief Executive Officer, like a President. Our Assembly Chairmen are Spokespersons. Stop a moment and consider the difference that this implies.
Free people endowed and enabled to act in the fullness of their individual sovereignty don't take orders from anyone, and an assembly of such free people does not assume that any member is less or more important, except that some among us may have more skill or more learning to share, and thereby become leaders in various areas by merit and proven trustworthiness --- not because they occupy an office.
Such offices as we have, are offices of service. The Assembly Chairman is the Spokesman for the Assembly, and similar to an American Common Law Judge, the Chairman speaks for the people according to what the people have as a Committee of the Whole expressed to him. He has his opinions like everyone else and he may sometimes disagree with the will of the Assembly, yet it is his duty to pronounce it---- and the Assembly has its free will, except that it is accountable to the Public Law and Custom of our country.
It is not possible, for example, for an American Assembly to adopt Communism as its form of government. If it were to do something like that, it instantly becomes something else --- not an American State Assembly and not acting with the lawful standing of an American Assembly. Likewise, if an Assembly were to elect to incorporate itself, it would instantly lose its lawful standing and cease to be an American State Assembly.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/06/about-structure-and-purpose-orientation.html

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