Pfizer Vaccine Exposed! What the hell is in this?

3 years ago

An explosive video of the Pfizer vaccine was discovered to have a living organism present in it when examined under a microscope by doctors & scientist who got their hands on a sample!

It should be noted that to this day, no one has been able to get information on what these vaccines are really made from. The pharmacies that are giving vaccine shots do not have the information either. Documentation that comes with each vaccine box is intentionally left 100% blank! It just has a folded up piece of paper that when unfolded has nothing on it.

In our life times, there has never been such an act done on humans that was so openly & blatantly dangerous. The Nuremberg laws that were created after the Nazi’s used experimental vaccines & medicines on Jews states that no one can be forced to take a medicine that has not been approved dor use In humans.

However we are seeing the Worlds most powerful nations team up with each other to force their citizens to receive such a shot by removing their rights and freedoms from them if they do not get the shot. No they are not forcing you to get the vaccines they say, but if you do not, you will not have a job anymore, you can not travel ever again, you can not enter businesses, so they essentially kill you without killing you if you choose to make your own choice which is your individual right , not to take the vaccine.

We saw a study done by 3700 doctors in 30 countries that said hydroxi and zinc was the best thing to fight Covid. Only for governors around the country to make it illegal to receive such drugs for treatment. When before they study was released , the FDA gave emergency approval for Hydroxi to be used.

The drug had been used safely for decades to treat malaria, and has little to no known side effect that are dangerous.

We strongly believe that pre meditated murder was carried out by governors like Gretchen Whitmer & many other democrat governors who banned doctors and nurses from being allowed to pre treat anyone for Covid , and could not receive treatment for any other illnesses for that matter.

Immediately after this massive study was done , that showed how powerful hydroxi was , did the FDA reverse its emergency approval for use on Covid. Within days of doctors telling everyone it’s the cure as long as it’s given early in the infection or used as a preventative did they ban use of it for Covid.

It doesn’t stop there! What study they cited for reasoning of the ban was done by a small group of doctors on 116 patients & they said their conclusion was that hydroxi showed no real benefit! NOT THAT IS WAS DANGEROUS, BUT JUST THAT IT WAS NOT HELPFUL. What is wrong with this? Well those doctors were from CHINA! You know the country where the virus came from that refuses to allow investigators into the wuhan lab to investigate it in the first place?

So a group of evil governors and the FDA went against what 7600 doctors in 30 countries said was saving everyone’s lives, and used a Chinese study that had no oversight to reverse the FDA’s emergency approval of the drug.

Governors tried to cover up their intent by stating that Hydroxi could only be used as the last hope to save someone , during the late stages of infection. So in other words, they would only allow it to be given to patients when 7600 doctors cited that it was not helpful. They made it clear that given early or as a preventative, that there was nothing better & that if given too late it was not effective. So by allowing doctors to give it late, they knew that Hydroxi would not offer them any relief.

I said “Pre-Meditated Murder” ! That’s a pretty big accusation to make . Where do we come up with that?

Well there was no one but lock down draconian governors who banned its use, going as far as threatening pharmacy’s if they prescribed it. That is not something that’s has ever been done by governors who are not doctors. In our eyes they could not have the pandemic ending too soon, and after the study from 7600 doctors in 30 countries was released they made it clear that hydroxi was causing 99.9-100% of their patients to get well! That scared this group of criminals who needed as many dead bodies as possible to ensure that the pandemic would not go away before Nov 3rd. They had to have tons of dead people to justify the reason for the mass mail in ballots to be sent by the millions all over the country.

But how can we prove pre meditated murder? I guess that will be up to a jury. Here is the smoking gun that we will bring before them. The Tranny from PA , that is now Bidens Heath Secretary, went and had his own mother removed from the nursing home & out her in a hotel 24 hours before he ordered all the sick patients to be sent into nursing homes , which we know caused the deaths of 10’s of thousands of nursing home residents in all of these states! PA, MI, NY, NJ, CA etc!

Not only that, but President Trump had ships turned into massive floating hospitals that could have been used to isolate all these infected people , and they refused to use them.

So you put that in front of a jury, and you can bet that all of these governors would be sentenced to die for their genocide for the purpose of ensuring that they could ballot harvest millions of ballots under the disguise of COVID-19 being the reasoning for the need to send millions of unsolicited ballots to people & voter rolls that have not been cleaned in years. 10% of Americans move every year. That alone mean there would be 20-30 million ballots sent to addresses they knew they would no longer live at!

They used the postal service to gather all these ballots up, and held them in their possession because they are the only entity that could legally have in their possession 30 million ballots . They attacked Trump saying he was trying to use the mail to steal an election! What we have learned about these criminals, is anything they project onto others is in fact what three are guilty of doing.

The Chinese banned travel from Wuhan to any other parts of China, but you could travel from Wuhan to the rest of the world and to America.

You have Dr. Fauci on the record saying we should not worry about this virus and that masks were useless.

Pelosi pandering to the Chinese and telling them America is open to everyone.

Trump banned entry into America and all of these people were against it.

You tell me?

It seems obvious to me that they wanted the virus to spread to America, they didn’t want people wearing masks in the beginning , and only after there were many infected did they want everyone wearing masks, Locking everything down and taking away everyone’s constitutional rights.

This is the crime of our life times, and it stretches across the world. It will take decades for us to hold everyone accountable, but you can bet your ass that we will! All of those who lost their lives merely for criminals to have media propaganda & dead bodies to use for their reasoning for mass mail out ballots, will be held accountable! Justice will be served!

The FBI, CIA. DOJ, DHS, CISA & the rest of Obama’s crime syndicate will be held accountable in 2022! We will be shutting all these 3 & 4 letter crime syndicates down!

A storm is coming & you better be ready to fight for your life! The crimes these people are guilty of makes them very dangerous.

They know they’re caught, and when criminals get caught and the curtain is down that they use to hide, they will take their masks off and go on the offensive to avoid being held accountable.

You are already finding out that the #FBI was responsible for the Jan 6th attack on our capital. This was a giant conspiracy by the globalist crime syndicate to remove a lan from power that we the people fully supported and chose to be our elected leader in a landslide. It was such a massive victory that ur took them 4 days to find enough ballots and to finish the crime: but they were sloppy and they are caught.

They will attack us & try to flee from justice, so arm yourself & get all the things you will need to survive a month without water and power. They may try to attack our power grid in order to cause mass chaos in order form them to escape and cover up their crimes against humanity.

The #DeepState will call this all a giant baseless #Conspiracytheory like they do everything else!

We know what we witnessed, we know what we saw! And never has there been a time in history where every doctor on the planet except for one that has lied to use repeatedly was censored and banned from communicating to people freely online, and telling Billions of people they are idiots id they do not sign up to get experimental vaccines Injected into them!

This is a fact! mRNA vaccine research was shut down after 20 years of failed research. Deemed too dangerous & horrible side effects. Billions was spent over those 20 years trying to develop a vaccine with MRNA technology, and not 1 & I repeat not 1 ever made it through stage 3 clinical trials and approved by the FDA to be deems safe for human use.

In fact it gets worse. All the experiments conducted On animals all resulted in the animals dying when they actually came in contact with the virus that they were supposedly vaccinated from being able to contract: so the vaccine itself caused them all to die by their body not being able to fight off the virus due to receiving the MRNA vaccine & their immune system could not fight it off as a result of taking the vaccine they gave them.

This was even on wiki, whether it still is I do not know. But the truth is, all of this medical technology was shut down due to how deadly and dangerous it was, only for them to bring it back for Covid 19 citing the reasoning being that they needed something “Fast” and “Inexpensive” to make. Citing that mRNA vaccines can be made much faster, yet there to this day has never been one approved for use in humans! Only emergency approval with all these companies receiving immunity from damages caused by the vaccine.

Never have we seem a doctor say on National tv that “THERE IS BASICALLY NO RISK BY TAKING THE VACCINE” ! How any doctor could say such a thing that is so obviously false , shows there is some evil intention behind this all. Also, when has there ever been a computer nerd (Gates) who has no medical training whatsoever be allowed to be the one on tv telling everyone what they need to do , and at the same time people are encouraged to not seek any other medical opinions from even their own doctors. All those doctors who have spoke out have been silenced. Taking a deadly vaccine for something that is 99.9% survivable & being told the vaccine is approved by the FDA by a White House press Secretary with no correction shows that we are in the fight for our lives against an evil entity.

All these vaccines were rushed out within a year, yet mRNA technology couldn’t be deemed safe for use in 20 years of failed research before. Now all of a sudden it’s super dooper safe & you are a conspiracy theorist and probably a racist bigot if you don’t agree to get Injected like the Nazi’s did the Jews during ww2.

What does that tell you? We are at war right now , and the guns just have not came out yet. We are being destroyed from within! A crime syndicate is in control of our government, but do not fret! Stat strong, stay loud & let them know what they are up again!

We got this! Joe Manchin is holding the line, and in 2022 we will bring the freaking hammer of god down upon them for their crimes against humanity and these great United States of America! #MAGA2021

#MAGA #Covid #TrumpWon #BidenCheated #Trump2024 #StopTheSteal #Covid19Vaccines #PfizerVaccine #Pfizer #mRNA #ElectionFraud

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