Old bridge board of ed

3 years ago

From March 2020 into March 2021 we watched as our children helplessly sat behind a computer and struggled with this new method of learning.

For the first three months, we understood why. We allowed our Board Of Education administration time to come up with a plan. We gave them 12 months. In that time, all they could come up with was a one day week four hour day plan. Only to close again.

They finally opened in March and teachers were left scrambling to get their classrooms in order. Some places barely had sanitizer and other PPE went missing as well.

I am here to say that we will no longer take it anymore. It is time for the people of Old Bridge to be represented the way they deserve.

Through transparency, parental input and most importantly CHILDREN FIRST!!

This year is an important election because the future of this town hangs in the balance. Next years budget needs to be worked on and it needs to start NOW!

They have claimed that next years budget will require scholastic programs to be cut! How can they allow this in good faith???

They have been failing and will continue to fail our children.

This November, please dont vote based in identity politics, please dont vote for republican or democrat...

Vote on right and wrong.

If you believe that taking away peoples right to choose was wrong, if you believe that removing children from the classroom was wrong and allowing them to fall behind was wrong, vote for myself (Leonardo “Leo Mar” Marchetta, Jay Slade and Darin Accettulli!!!

We are putting children first!

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