The Kevin J. Johnston Show Let Me Introduce You To Chris Sky's Muslim Buddy Dr. Zee

3 years ago

Have you guys ever wondered who that guy is hanging out with Chris Sky after the rally in Winnipeg? Well, that guy we're going to have on the show! We will ask him some questions, and he will ask some questions about Kevin J. Johnston. Dr. Zee is originally from Calgary and now lives in Toronto, and he's very familiar with the stuff that goes on in Calgary, so we're just going to pick each other's brains and see where we go with it.

Monday to Friday from 7 PM to 9 PM Calgary Time www.Trovo.Live/ Soon Derek Storie on Facebook #yyc #calgary #kevinjjohnston #noblesavages 7PM Calgary Time - 9PM Toronto Time LeftDONATE TODAY! - THE KEVIN J. JOHNSTON SHOW, Monday to Friday from 7 PM to 9 PM Calgary Time Soon Derek Storie on Facebook #yyc #calgary #kevinjjohnston #noblesavages

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