3 years ago

Hey, all! Today I'm sharing a bit about how long I've been writing/hosting a website, as well as answering the few questions people asked through Instagram. Appreciate everyone who asked a question! If you'd like to do this again, let me know and I'll put up another IG question sticker. Thanks so much for being here and following along! Visit RissiWrites.com anytime for more fun bookish and fangirl conversation where there's new content daily.

...Welcome back to Finding Wonderland - thanks for visiting, subscribing and hanging out. :)

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MeWe: https://mewe.com/i/findingwonderland
MeWe [Finding Wonderland Reader Group] https://mewe.com/join/findingwonderlandreadergroup
Parler: https://parler.com/profile/RissiJC/posts
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Twitter: http://Twitter.com/RissiJC
Website: http://RissiWrites.com


Hello, and welcome to my channel. I'm Rissi, Finding Wonderland blogger where you'll see videos about popular "it" books & the novels that escape our notice - such as Indie fiction. If you've visited, or been a longtime friend of Finding Wonderland, then the content will mirror the fangirl-ing and fun we enjoy over there. Topics include films, Top Ten Tuesday, and primarily, books! From inspirational fiction to YA lit , bookshelf shenanigans and more.

Thanks for visiting!

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