Daniels Dream and The Riddle of the Beast of Revelation

3 years ago

Daniel's dream of four beast and John's vision of the beast of revelation are both a revealing of what is to come and a riddle at the same time.

The riddle of the beast begins with dream of Nebuchadnezzar which Daniel interprets for the king according to what God told him. Years later Daniel has a dream of his own concerning 4 beast that rise up out of the sea. These are the four successive kingdoms that take us from the demise of Israel to the return of Christ at the end time. Finally, we must add the vision of the great and terrible beast Christ gave John as recorded in the book of revelation.

These visions give us the content of the riddle. Many of these events have happened through the course of history and are aspects of the riddle we can understand and know the answer to. However, certain aspects of the riddle remain to be answered.

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