GRAINS OF SAND: Global Events, ETs and Humanity's Future

3 years ago

Could both positive and negative extraterrestrials be linked with the unprecedented global rollout of power we’ve seen since March 2020? Could it be exactly what we need for our collective spiritual awakening? A documentary-style video, packed with information, inspiration and humor, by Susan Pitcairn. 1 hr. 13 min.


Interview with Tom Dongo, (Feb. 2020): a longtime Sedona UFO investigator and author of 7 books. Reports nightly UFO sightings from 1987-95, including a crash, apparent military encounters, orbs, crypto creatures, and evidence of 2 ET and 2 US military underground bases near Sedona., one that is very dangerous/top secret . Paramilitary men have fired machine guns to keep away snoopers. Describes tunnels from Area 51 to Las Vegas to Navajo Weapons Depot (nukes), to Secret Canyon below Bradshaw Ranch to Jerome, then west. Says Phoenix Lights originated from area of Chino Valley and that Sycamore Canyon is so creepy he won’t go there again. Website:

Books by Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, anthropologist who has interviewed thousands of Native Americans mostly in remote areas from Central America to Canada about sightings, encounters and abductions involving extraterrestrials. Fascinating stories of many types of beings.

Military Encounters with Extraterrestrials: The Real War of the Worlds, by Frank Joseph (2018). Documented evidence about armed confrontations between humans and ETs from 1915 to the present including ww2 foo fighters, Operation Highjump, how our Sec. of State authorized an attack that brought down ET craft over Roswell, and much more. Hundreds of footnotes.

1996 Lecture by DUMB whistleblower Phil Schneider, Part 2. with 17 years of experience helping to bui5ld top secret underground bases housing both humans and aliens, Greys and Reptilians he believed were seeking to take over the Earth. Murdered soon after this talk.

1990 Interview with Glenn Davis, a mortician who advised military at the Roswell incident about preserving the bodies. Released in 2014 by US National Archives: Also look there for 1991 Interview with Gerald Anderson, who was a young boy on a hike with his family when they came upon the Roswell crash and surviving aliens. 1991 Interview with 3 other locals who recall the incident.

Books and videos by Michael Salla PhD . Well researched. WEBSITE: .An Earth Alliance oriented viewpoint, with the idea of liberating us from dark ETs (Reptilians, Orion Greys) and their human allies. Space Force: Our Star Trek Future, (2021) is about the optimal future planned for by the US Air Force Space Command, a “star trek future” of cooperation and accord. But will the new Space Force (2028) be able to gain control over rogue secret space programs with ET technology? BOOKS:

Elena Danaan on Youtube r
ecounts her own experiences as an abductee, including close contact with a Pleiadian Starfleet commander Thor Han now alleged to be working with the Galactic Federation to take down negative ET forces on Earth (Reptilians, Orion Greys). has an in-depth article summarizing various reports about meetings between Eisenhower and different groups of visiting extraterrestrials, some of whom said we were on a course to destruction and needed to give up our nuclear arsenal. Others promised advanced technology in exchange for remaining hidden and abducting and returning a limited number of humans for genetic use (to create hybrids and revitalize their race).

Books and videos by Richard Dolan, PhD, whose thesis documented the rise of the US security state in response to perceived threats from ETs. He is one of the most careful, academic style UFO researchers around, along with Dr. Stephen Greer, whose 2001 National Press Club conference remains one of the classic disclosures coming from retired military and police.
Dolan videos:, Pam Popper videos on Bitcute and are all excellent places for articles and in-depth expert critiques regarding the over-the-top global rollouts of power in response to the new virus.

Vera’s excellent explanation comparing 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions:

Gina Lakes’ book on "The Extraterrestrial Vision" on Amazon is said to be channeled from a 5th dimension being is also very informative on who is here and why.
Also see Youtube talks by Dolores Cannon, who hypnotized thousands of abductees and compiled findings in both books and youtube videos.

David Wilcock on youtube has many (lengthy) presentations on this topic at Divine Cosmos channel on Youtube. Check out “Human ETs Disclosure in the 1950s,” about past visits by positive human-type aliens who appeared in a number of countries at the same time. He believes we are soon going to experience an enlightening and transformative solar flash connected with encountering the galaxy’s photon belt.

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