3 years ago


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Originally Posted:
Mar 10, 2015

The Universal Info Zone 360

This is a video documentary on how The man made creations (Cartoons) characters who we all in a sense grew up on turns out to be more than just friendly entertainment. what this video is explaining is the real dark forces behind the mask of the master of Walt Disney, and how he uses his practices within something that is supposed to be for our children.

His practices were in the form of "Magic" "Witchcraft" you name it right along with his involvement with Satanic cults such as Demolay Satanic Disney System. If you really pay attention to this video it will shock you in a way like never before.

This has always been a planned attack on our children from the very start. So many children have been victimized by the pedophilia masters who are the rich sick people of this world we live in today. this is not an attempt to defame, but to EXPOSE the truth for what it really is, and those who hind behind the mask.

But what is really is sad about this is that those who either we look up to or your children look up to are are also victims. Mind control, the blind leading the blind or those whose minds are in development.

So when you watch this video, it is then on you to do what needs to be done, and that's educate your self on a universal level. Satan's agents on hard at work, but so is God's warriors. Be open minded my people, and know that what you thought is not what you thought it to be. God bless. Share this video with friends and love ones if you care. Shout out to Truth Never Sleeps for the hard work ~Knowledge 21 #GiveIt2EmRaw

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