Truth about the Diary of Anne Frank

3 years ago

Just like all the rest of the Propaganda taught to school children about the Jewish World War 2 Holocaust, this too is an egregious lie.
Holocaust Propaganda is key to stopping people asking themselves real questions about why WW2 started and who the National Socialists and Hitler were and what they were fighting for, by demonizing them.
The answer gives the ultimate red pill to unlocking their whole damned system, so they don't want you to know.
You don't believe anything the mainstream media tells you, why do you believe this?

Holocaust General

The Majdanek Camp

The Treblinka camp

The Auschwitz Stammlager

The Reinhard Camps Sobibor, Treblinka and Belzec

"The holocaust is a successful historical fiction"
Chief Rabbi Arye Friedman

"The holocaust may turn out to be the greatest robbery of the 20th century"
Jewish Professor Norman Finkelstein

"The 6 Million gas chamber myth is a arithmetic and technical nonsense"
Jewish Professor Roger Dommergue

"These mass executions in gas chambers remind me of the story of employment of human corpses during the last war for the manufacture of fat, which was a grotesque lie"
Chairman of British Joint Intelligence Committee Victor Cavendish Bentinck

" Not one case of death by poison gas was found"
Dr Larson Pathologist Judge Advocate General's Office.
( Died just before giving evidence at Nuremberg Trials by going off cliff in his car....)

"Most deaths in concentration camps were caused not by starvation nor malnutrition, but by Typhus"
Dr John. E. Gordon MD PhD Harvard Professor US Forces

"Any former inmate who during their debriefing continues to allege that poison gas was used are to be reported to this office and if they insist on lying further, they are to be charged with perjury"
Major Miller Commanding Officer Allied Military Police

"We have not been able to discover any trace of installations for exterminating civilian prisoners"
Red Cross November 22nd 1944

"The Holocaust is a complete forgery, initiated by Americans and Zionists"
Jewish Author Gilad Atzmon

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