Sleep Mode

3 years ago

[Audio Podcast Version:]

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In this week’s crew cast, I deviate from covering the waterfront of agendas and conspiracies to address a very real issue: Political Imprisonment. Yes, at the moment, there are over 500+ people still in locked up for the events of January 6th, and I don’t think it will stop there. You have “defectors” from the QAnon movement forecasting potential attacks from disillusioned members and more.

In China, we hardly hear of any dissidence because of how tight they control their citizens, but recently I stumbled across the work of Lao Why, a citizen journalist in China that exposes their totalitarian regime. In this week’s show, I interweave how here in America, we’re seeing the same type of rise of totalitarian behavior while using China’s crackdown on political dissidents and ethnic minorities, as an example of what’s to come. You see freedom isn’t something exclusive to America, in fact, many parts of the world are already engaged in this war America’s sleepwalking into.

We live in perilous times where lies are more favored than the truth. From foreign influence and interference to massive social engineering campaigns manipulating the minds and perspectives of domestic citizens, who knows what’s true anymore. The sad part is, this purposeful distortion, is all a means to an end that fosters capitulation and compliance. Without the proper awakening, the true awakening to what’s going on, we’re only bound to perpetuate more of the same nonsense.

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