2021 JUN 07 Fauci Deceptions the Australian B and C grade Group Think Teams Block early Treatments

3 years ago

Every one of the following named below has to answer for the Australian Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Ivermectin (IVM) Political Football.

It may be a political game for them; however, it has resulted in Australian GP’s being unable to use their best clinical Judgement and to prescribe preventative and early treatment multi-drug protocols that call for the use of Hydroxychloroquine.

01.1) Scott MORRISON: Au Federal Gov. Prime Minister
01.2) Greg KELLY: Au Federal Gov. Minister of Health
01.3) Paul KELLY: Au Federal Gov. Chief Medical Officer
01.4) John SKERRITT: Au Federal Gov. Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). Head of the TGA & Responsible for Scheduling Decision of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)

01.5) Julian ELLIOTT: Au Federal Gov. NATIONAL COVID-19 CLINICAL EVIDENCE TASKFORCE. (Executive Director) Responsible for the negative recommendation of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) – It needs to be noted that this taskforce is comprised mainly of Monash University (VIC) staff and it could be said Monash owes a debt of gratitude to the tune of nearly $40 Million to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Tweet @jhjelliott, https://research.monash.edu/en/persons/julian-elliott (www https://covid19evidence.net.au/ )

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02.1) Annastacia PALASZCZUK: QLD State Gov; Premier, Tweet - @AnnastaciaMP
02.2) Yvette D'ATH: QLD State Gov; Minister of Health, Tweet - @YvetteDAth
02.3) Jeannette YOUNG: QLD State Gov; Chief Health Officer, Tweet - @QldGov
Happy to throw Doctors in Jail
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VICTORIA (VIC) Australia
03.1) Daniel ANDREWS: VIC State Gov; Premier, Tweet - @DanielAndrewsMP
03.2) Martin FOLEY: VIC State Gov; Minister of Health, Tweet - @MartinFoleyMP
03.3) Brett SUTTON: VIC State Gov; Chief Health Officer, Tweet - @VictorianCHO
Happy to ignore strong Safety advice/warnings for Aged Care Homes from Dr Mark Hobart. In defiance of that advice continuing to publicly push for the speed injections of Provisionally Approved Vaccines known to have more severe adverse reactions for the Elderly and Known to be even more dangerous for the pre-exposed Elderly and known to have NOT been tested on the Elderly when gathering the Data for Provisional Approval; in deference to a sensible approach of using proven prophylaxis treatments that can include HCQ and Ivermectin.
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04.1) Andrew BARR: ACT State Gov; Premier, Tweet - @ABarrMLA
04.2) Rachel STEPHEN-SMITH: ACT State Gov; Minister of Health, Tweet - @RachelSS_MLA
04.3) Kerryn COLEMAN: ACT State Gov; Chief Health Officer, Tweet - @ACTHealth
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05.1) Michael GUNNER: NT State Gov; Premier, Tweet - @fanniebay
05.2) Natasha FYLES: NT State Gov; Minister of Health.
05.3) Hugh HEGGIE: NT State Gov; Chief Health Officer, Tweet - @Markidjbu
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06.1) Gladys BEREJIKLIAN: NSW State Gov; Premier, Tweet - @GladysB
06.2) Brad HAZZARD: NSW State Gov; Minister of Health, Tweet - @BradHazzard
06.3) Kerry CHANT: NSW State Gov; Chief Health Officer, Tweet - @NSWCHO
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07.1) Steven MARSHALL: SA State Gov; Premier, Tweet - @marshall_steven
07.2) Stephen WADE: SA State Gov; Minister of Health, Tweet - @StephenWadeMLC
07.3) Nicola SPURRIER: SA State Gov; Chief Public Health Officer, Tweet - @SAHealth
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TASMANIA (TAS) Australia
08.1) Peter GUTWEIN: TAS State Gov; Premier, Tweet - @PeterGutwein
08.2) Jeremy ROCKLIFF: TAS State Gov; Minister of Health, Tweet - @jeremyrockliff
08.3) Tony LAWLER: TAS State Gov; Chief Medical Officer, Tweet - @DrALawler
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09.1) Mark McGOWAN: WA State Gov. Premier, Tweet - @MarkMcGowanMP
09.2) Roger COOK: WA State Gov. Minister of Health, Tweet - @RogerCookMLA
09.3) Andrew (Andy) ROBERTSON: Western Australia (WA) Chief Health Officer, Tweet - @WAHealth
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It has been said that all those involved in the obstruction of Medication that, but for the obstruction of that medication, would have prevented hospitalisation and Death will be brought to account in the international courts, if not in the local courts.
Remember their names and remember their faces.
Next time you see their “advice” being broadcast on the “COVID-19 medical misinformation policy” Media or Internet you can understand what they can do.

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