Santa Fe Life like proto 2000 EMD E6 Ho scale Project update 4

3 years ago

okay sorry for not uploading for a while I have recently started working in the real world in the fast food industry and have not got a lot of time on my hands to do stuff like this anymore until I can move to a different state.

Anyways so I bought A B-unit for this locomotive that was pre painted for Santa Fe but instead I got another A unit that is an E6 Life like proto 2000 Ho scale sadly you don't find these on the open model train market since life like went out of business but it was bought buy walthers trains so maybe one day they will re run the models with the new tech. So Now I have another A unit that is numbered for 15 and it comes with loksound select the details exterior wise need a lot of work I'm going to order a lot of brass rods and other brass parts to make it a lot more realistic I also have to paint the best I can with spray paint or airbrush paint but air brushing is not easy nor easy to clean those things so will see what happens as we go along I still need to repaint the B unit I do have and re power the unit as well the A-Unit 13 is nearly done it needs decoder and speakers and more detail parts then it's done.

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