Here's How It Goes -- American History 101-2 -The Confederation June 13, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Here's How It Goes -- American History 101-2 -The Confederation June 13, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

As we learned in part 101-1, the American Government started out as a Union of former Colonies, which were all geographically-described estates belonging to the people who lived within their borders, and secondly, with an unincorporated Federation of Estate Governments, The United States of America, which enabled the people of this country to speak with one voice in international and global affairs.
That's the way it was for five long years, 1776 to 1781. This entire country functioned with just two branches of government in place: national and international/global, with all the international and global issues being fielded by the Federation of States doing business as The United States of America.
So take yourself back to 1781. It's the height of the Revolutionary War. The various former Colonies described initially as "estates" have become known as "states". They are bound together in Common Cause against Great Britain.
As of January 1, 1781, there are still only two branches of the American Government in operation -- the Union, doing business at that time as "the" United States, and the Federation doing business as The United States of America, which deals with everything else.
This burden of dealing with "everything else" was overwhelming the Officers of The United States of America --- men like Franklin and Adams and Jefferson were kept busy trying to navigate the course of international diplomacy at the same time they endeavored to produce and pay for gunpowder at home.
Something had to give, so the Confederation was born.
The purpose of the Confederation was to conduct commercial business for the States.
Each State that was already a member of the Federation chartered a new entity, called a "state of state" organization, and these new business entities, like The State of New York and The State of Georgia, then joined together to form a Confederation.
It was this process that was memorialized by The Articles of Confederation.
The burden of conducting global commercial business was thus lifted off of the Federation and shifted onto the Confederation, though obviously, the States of the Federation remained able to conduct business in the global jurisdiction in the event that the Confederation as a whole or any member State-of-State failed.
Always remember that the Federation conducted all international and global business for a period of five years. In a pinch, it can always do so again, because its members are sovereign States.
The Federation of States thus gave up some powers and duties that were initially its responsibility, and handed them off as a delegation of power to the Confederation of States doing business as the States of America.

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