Jaw Bone of an Ass by America

3 years ago

This song was originally titled "Jawbone of an Ass" by writer, Dan Peek; however, the Record company was not going to release America's Debut album, unless the band agreed to change the name of the song to Donkey Jaw...which is the name of the track even to this day...

The song is a POWERFUL attack against the Satanic Monsters who run this world, especially when you consider that the word Ravish, or "Ravishing", etymologically refers "to seize and carry off, carry away suddenly, hurry or spirit a person away, especially a Woman or Female Child..."

Hence, Dan Peek, Dewey Bunnell, and Gerry Beckley knew far more about what was really going on than they were able to publicly say, thus, they had to ENCODE this knowledge into their songs...

Donkey Jaw, or Jawbone of an Ass is an incredible track that has only become MORE RELEVANT over the years, "PEEKING" in the year 2020, when we needed CLEAR Vision more than ever...it is a song that challenges us to remember that if we ever take our eyes off the ball, then the most precious of our Treasures will go missing...the Children...

So, GET BEHIND ME SATAN...Forevermore...

Charlie Freak

And please remember my Friends to support Colleen and I here in Mexico as we continue daily to expand and grow, through the Vibration of Love, our Animal Rescue Shelter. We have now reached 56 rescued animals (Dogs, Cats, Possums, Birds) and our costs of maintaining this beautiful journey has grown far beyond what Colleen and I can maintain on our own. Only through your kindness and generosity will we be able to continue our vital efforts to give LIFE to all of these precious creations of God! You can donate to us either through PayPal or Buymeacoffee by following the links provided below! Thank you!

Charlie's books: https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/charli...
A FreakSense World Group Page on MeWe: https://mewe.com/join/afreaksenseworld
Charlie's MeWe Page https://mewe.com/i/charliefreak
A FreakSense World on Telegram: https://t.me/afreaksenseworld

To Support Charlie and Colleen's work and all of their Animals:
CharlieFreak777 & The Shire Animal Rescue Sanc: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/charlief...
The Shire Animal Rescue Sanctuary PayPal page: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/TheSh...

To Support Toni Weel's work on the FreakSense World Groups, website and her own Rescue/Sanctuary for Senior and Special Needs Cats: http://www.toniweel.com/donation

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