Rosa Koire 2011 UN Agenda 21 Tutorial to N California Audience

3 years ago

Rosa talks about the San Francisco Bay Area planning she noticed in 2001.
Ever wondered where the terms 'sustainability' and 'smart growth' and 'high density urban mixed use development' came from?Does it seem 10 years ago you'd never heard of them, but now these are every day terms you get notices about from your City or Town Council? Is it a coincidence every town, county, state or nation in the world would be changing their land use/planning codes and government policies to align themselves with Climate Goals for 2030 and 2050?This video is a 2011 meeting in Northern California. Participants engaged to educate, inform and empower peer2peer about UN Agenda 21, ICLEI, Sustainable Development, Smart Growth, Form-Based Zoning, Green Energy Mandates, Carbon Offsets, Cap and Trade, Redevelopment and other programs that restrict private land and civil rights. The Covid19 2020 worldwide lockdowns, mask mandates and vax enforcement was a direct result of UN Agenda 21 networks and processes in place over a decade before the Wuhan Virus spread. Today, Agenda 2030 and 2050 transcends party lines and international borders. From Farmers in California to farmers in the UK to Farmers in India, Australia and New Zealand, the Agenda has bandrupt families and reset the economy. This is not a left or right issue. It's a HUMAN issue. Learn from this video how to get local and stop it.

2010 Speaker May 22, 2010
Tom DeWeese of American Policy Center ( ) introduces Michael Coffman, president of Environmental Perspectives, Inc. ( ) & CEO of Sovereignty International Corporation ( ). Michael Coffman warns us about the cancerous United Nations Agenda 21/Sustainable Development initiatives and the Fraud called Smart Growth being implemented in the United States designed to seize our property rights. When you hear proposals promoting protection of biodiversity, endangered species, clean water, clean air, and wetlands regulation, things are not as they sound. These sinister programs are very complex in nature but come down to creating serfdom to the collectivist/socialist state. The environmental movement was hijacked several decades ago by globalists with "saving the ecosystem" or "saving the world" as their MO and catalyst for achieving their goals. This opening series you can share with family, friends, local government officials, school board, and planning commissioners document the historical efforts made in California to fight UN Agenda 21, and expose its hidden motives. Multiple United Nations initiatives colluded for global governance, with Hollywood Celebrities, California-based NGOS and Rand Corporation out of Santa Monica leading the way.

Please become active and attend your local community planning meetings. Actively listen if they bring outside "experts" for smart growth. Learn the DELPHI TECHNIQUE these so-called experts use to form a 'consensus' among participants (giving you a false impression your input crafted their predetermined planning). These outside "experts" usually are associated with groups like Surfrider, Global Green USA, Global Cross International, Sierra Club, Black Lives Matter and similar NGOs. Their aim is for a Socialist top-down global system where an elite rule us. Learn about Bloomberg's C40 Cities and the Green New Deal.

Here's one of the bad guys to research:

This is a series of uploads about the early rise of UN Agenda 21 in California to spread worldwide into C40 Cities:
#1 UNA21: Usurping The US Constitution -
#2 UNA21: The Evil Smart Growth Fraud -
#3 UNA21: New US Education Goal is Dumb & Dumber -
#4 UNA21: Sustainable Development Manipulation -
#5 UNA21: Summarizing Sustainable Development -
To see all five videos in their uninterrupted entirety go to at

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