Deep-dive on my mediation with the state of Idaho with Patriot Soapbox

3 years ago

WOOOW!!! I got to be a guest on the Patriot Soapbox again and you guys WILL NOT BELIEVE THIS!

The help that these gentlemen offered on my mediation with the state of Idaho is mind-blowing!

Highlight Breakdown:

2:40 (mediator asks about me and my business)

5:10 (Inaccurate facts about the case
(had to correct her about the details of the unlawful arrest)

7:25 (covering the story when the media lied)

8:40 (judge admits the media doesn't always get it right and then asks if I am a member of the press. I then explain the law to her regarding our God-given rights)

10:35 (Judge verifies what I'm saying about people not needing credentials and then asks about the Capitol building rules, which I explain the unconstitutionality of it)

16:58 (My attorney backs up the facts of the case after we have to switch to phone audio)

17:45 (I expressed I did not get equal protection under the law as I was arrested but the woman exercising the same rights in the same way as me did not)

18:10 (mediator asks what my attorney thinks about my position on the public space regarding members of the press. I show definitions of lawful terms while he speaks)

22:00 mediator tries to refute our right to journalism and that the house can make unconstitutional rules. I show how their own manual expresses that this is not appropriate, as well as case law. She then argues with me with no merit. I then explain what abridging means. Next, she sidesteps it and tries to ignore it.)

28:00 (mediator tells me I won't be able to convince her or the prosecutor that the rule is not reasonable and I ask her what she thinks the press is for. She doesn't want to talk about it. ***This is a firey section. I explain acting under of color of law to her. She tries to refute again with no merit.)

1:15:00 (my counteroffer to the prosecutor to help the community restore a lighted perspective about government and what happened that day regarding exercising rights.)

1:23:00 (the prosecutor's response. They refused my offer.)

Thumper and Jim both give some of the most helpful information yet as to why and how I, and many others, are being violated and the public is being lied to.

During this talk, we do a deep-dive breakdown of the mediation meeting I had with the state of Idaho and prosecutor and how they denied a peaceful and advantageous offer I gave them to support the wellbeing of the state, in response to what they did on August 25th when they used an armed body of men to disrupt a public session and hurt women and children in the Idaho State Capitol building.

I highly recommend you follow and watch Patriot Soapbox with all of their wonderful hosts on their 24-hour streaming platforms here:

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