Edited Part 4 Bankers Will Cast Their Gold Silver in the Streets! The Hwy of God

3 years ago

Edited Version
Read Along: New Words from God Originated as Post on Social Networks
Silver Squeeze Update 6-3-2021 Gold Goes To 55,000? Hyper Inflation?
Greedy evil people end up being called Bankers. These very evil men wanted gold and silver. They were not satisfied with their own gold and silver. They wanted everyone else's gold and silver, in the entire world. They could never have enough. The Bible tells us those who seek to get rich will fall into many temptations. Or they will do anything, harm anyone to accomplish this sinful desire in them. They can not stop themselves. Ezekiel tells God will stop them. God will open their eyes. With horror they will look at what they have done. Then see that the gold, and silver fever had their souls in bondage. It caused them to sin. They will throw it all onto the streets. The Streets means the Highway of God. The Right way or road. They will throw all their gold and silver, land, back to the people thy robbed it from: the Saints. The silver and gold our mine, says the Lord. His body, the church the people who know God, right from wrong and are empowered with God's Holy Spirit.
Ezekiel 7:19
19 The people will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will be like ·trash [filth; an unclean thing]. Their silver and gold will not save them from the Lord’s ·anger [wrath]. It will not satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs, because it ·caused them to fall [was their stumbling block] into sin.
Man's goal was to work a couple years take the extra he saved and buy land and the things he needed to start a farm. No electricity no telephones but land a couple chickens a few horses, build his house by hand, buy some seeds to plant, a plow, build a barn, buy some pigs. Maybe some left over for fruit trees. And be set for life in just a few years of working for some one else Right? The point or moral of the story is fiat debases the true value of a man's work. And debases the real value of silver coins as a monetary instrument, Created by Divine Design. Honest money for Honest men.
PG here. It is Spring Time and We have been very busy. Everyday I receive healing and getting new from God. Hopefully I got it all written down. I haven't had time to read them out loud. This will be a few live streams until All the info has been read out loud.
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