Lose Weight Fast by Exercise - Flat Abs In 30 Days - Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic Review

3 years ago

lose weight fast with exercise - flat abdominal muscles in 30 days Review https://4fcec5ki1gp13zj-dhudx8cof1.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=RUMBLE
Get a new Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic here https://4fcec5ki1gp13zj-dhudx8cof1.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=RUMBLE

Hi everyone, welcome back to my channel so today I will be doing an intense 10min abs workout. it will burn, but it will be worth it. It will be 10 exercises, every 50 seconds and 10 seconds rest. and for 10 minutes non stop. So yes without further ado. Let's start The first exercise is a reverse distress with a drop of the leg. Just make sure you keep your legs straight as possible when you do your foot drop. Let's rest for 10 seconds and do a few clicks. Let's rest for 10 seconds and go to these. Go over your legs and do make sure your back is flat on the ground Let's rest for ten seconds and we have a Russian twist Lean as far as you can and a twist to make sure you have your back straight, we know it can be quite difficult, but try it best we have climbers who bring one foot after another as fast as you can. Let's do it, boys. Now let's go crushing bikes, my favorite time.


Pull one foot at a time on the opposite elbow Flip over and we'll make spider boards Bring your knee as close to your elbow as possible. This is really great for obliques. Now we have a board with a twist. Anyway, three more exercises, guys, we can do this. We also have the resurrection of the lakes. One more thing we're after, let's push it, boys And the last exercise is up and down, the board There are three seconds left. . . and we're done! I hope you enjoyed today's exercise, thank you so much for watching the guys, and see you next week.

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