Zoe Cat - Friend to all Goose Babies In Distress

3 years ago

We noticed this little goose had been abandoned and was wandering out in Nature's Nursery out back peckin' for seeds and weeds. We also noticed she was limping. We figured if she was smart enough to eat on her own then she might be old enough to survive with a little help from her friends. That's us. We were wondering if she was smart enough to find some shade and when we realized she had made it into the Barnage on her own we figured she has an extra good chance of survival. We'll see.

Do you want to know more about the Homestead Prowlers ~ Floki, Zoe and Otis? Please visit us on our blog: https://homesteadprowlers.com/
Blog posts feature photos of the Prowlers enjoying their daily endeavors along with more in depth details about their lives here at our Homestead with their Momma and PawPaw.

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