CCP Demands Oath From ALL Members, Including Their Property

3 years ago

In order to run successful businesses, or be successful at all in China, one must be a "good party member" for the Chinese Communist Party. What does that mean exactly? Well, let's take a look at the Oath they take before they are allowed to become "successful" and break it down. Also, what does this mean for American politicians and businesses when they work hand in hand with these "good" party members? More importantly, what does it mean for the American People when the Chinese Communist Party owns tens of millions of acres of U.S. farmland, billion dollar buildings, ports, and anything else you can imagine?
Watch this, and you'll be able to break it down for others! Share this, and let's work to make the United States SOVEREIGN again, shall we?
#ccp #constitution #partymember #liberty #sovereignty #sovereign #america #china

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