Understanding God

3 years ago

The idea of God has been up for debate since the beginning of time. Who is God? What is God? Is there even a God? Join Tim and Shannon as they try to answer these questions and really dive deep into understanding God. Joining them is Acclaimed Author and Speaker, Dannion Brinkley, as well as Reverend Ph.D., Spiritual Healing Facilitator, Tom Hudson.

Dannion Brinkley's NDE / Near Death Experience is perhaps the world's most well-known NDE / Near Death Experience. Officially dead for over 28 minutes, he has written two Best Selling books about his NDE experiences - He has had more than one Near Death Experience. It was Dannion's first NDE / Near Death Experience that brought the terms NDE / NDEs and Near-Death Experiences into the mainstream consciousness.
Due to the near-death experience (NDE), my life was shoved under the scientific microscope and was then catapulted into the spiritual spotlight, from the day I was struck by lightning.
Having been raised in the Southern fundamentalist tradition, I had been taught that our reward for living a good life would be redeemed in Heaven. Yet, as a child, I had no interest in that far-off wonderland where angels were playing golden harps on fluffy white clouds. You see, I had always been into instant gratification! So, whatever was waiting for me, behind some invisible veil, seventy or eighty years down the road, meant little or nothing to me. It neither motivated me to do good works nor deterred me from being the natural-born hell-raiser, which had made me infamous in my hometown, deep in the Carolinas. Like most young people my age, I thought I was invincible; therefore the thought of dying rarely, if ever, crossed my mind. Until that unforgettable evening, a raging bolt of lightning decided to teach me the lesson of what a tenuous and fragile mystery life really is.

Rev Tom Hudson, PhD., brings 48 years of professional healthcare career experience to the table, assisting you to apply your spiritual gifts, enabling you to live within the passions of your Heart's Desires and fulfill your Soul’s Purpose. Tom avidly pursued advanced educational interests throughout almost five decades: biochemistry of metabolism & cellular biology during a Ph.D. program at Colorado State University; advanced myofascial & corrective therapeutic bodywork as a massage therapist; and thousands of hours of new thought & alternative healing workshops. Tom's focuses now, with great passion and commitment, to service the Spiritual Warrior on all levels, to achieve prosperity in all aspects of life, through advanced and deep core level spiritual healing facilitation; development of spiritual gifts, and the achievement of Soul's Purpose, resetting the wealth blueprint, and through personal life coaching & business mentoring.
“Personal Growth Membership”: https://revtomhudson.com/product/birth-rite-technology-spiritual-warrior-membership-paid-monthly/
“Intro To Awakened Expansion”: https://intro-to-awakened-expansion.respond.ontraport.net/

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