Editorial Media assault on decorated Australian Soldier

3 years ago

Former special forces soldier Ben Robert Smith has been smeared by media and political enemies. Former PM Julia Gillard smeared Smith as she decorated him, calling him 'modest.' There is a world of difference between a modest soldier and a humble one in service. Smith, in service, was humble, but his achievements were not modest. In a battle which earned him the VC, he offers it to all who served with him on that day.

One terrible smear is that Smith killed non combatants after they had been detained. Evidence of which, presented in court, was the case of Smith killing a machine gunner who was 15 years old. Is it the curt's suggestion that proof of age cards must be kept by terrorists wielding deadly weapons like machine guns? "Sir, I have a bead on that gunner pinning down our forces, can I take the shot?" "Have you checked his age?" "She has a beard." "Wait, check your privilege." "It doesn't matter sir, the unit is gone."

Ben Robert Smith has earned my thanks for his service. He has earned my admiration for his accomplishments. He has earned my favour, because those attacking him are politically motivated, not personally motivated, and placed on trial is not Smith's battle field activity, but my right to the freedom Smith defended.

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