About the Righteous and the Wise

3 years ago

About the Righteous and the Wise

People mistake Righteousness, they confuse it with being right. But the righteous may well overturn conventional thinking and do what is thought to be wrong. Embrace the Lord, serve Him and you won't go wrong, but you may be denounced by those pharisees who claim the moral high ground. A good example is Jesus overturning trade tables in the Temple. Let me give some secular examples that appear to contradict. There was a policy involving nuclear weapons called MAD, for mutually assured destruction. Should our enemies use nuclear bombs on us, we would use it on them. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, President Bill Clinton re imagined the policy to be the US would use nuclear bombs even if chemical or biological weapons were deployed. However, that is yet to be the case. Even post Wuhan.

How does an individual Christian, unrelated to any chain of command, respond to that MAD policy? Some have opposed the idea of nuclear weapons. The reasoning being that God told us to multiply, not to exterminate. But then the peace movement had been led by the former Soviet Union to oppose US interests, including defence. MAD policy may well have prevented world war, as with the Cuban Missile crisis.

How does a Christian respond on the issue of nuclear generated power? It is true that coal is still cheaper and more efficient and also provides abundant plant food. Yet, safe modern nuclear power stations are an essential part of any mix with modern industry in the US and Europe .. and Asia. Yet self proclaimed environmentalists, formerly led by the Soviets, and NAZI Germany before them, oppose nuclear power. Unless it is oil rich Iran. And on this issue, many individual Christians act righteously, but in ignorance of wisdom, cause or effect.

Did God call on His people to abandon security and bankrupt themselves so non believers can prosper?

What of Wisdom? Wisest of all men was Solomon, who built the temple, and sadly was led astray by hundreds off wives and concubines. Solomon short changed himself. Had Solomon had one spouse, whom he loved. Whom he nurtured. Whom he looked to as an equal in partnership with raising his children. But, there is risk when investing in one person. We die. And, so the Taj Mahal majestically stands as testimony to loss. Or another monument builder, King Herod, misunderstood what nurturing meant. The Pharisees in Jesus' day showed righteousness in opposition to wisdom. They were right to test faith. But they wrongly relied on their tests.

Proverbs was nearly left out of the bible, because some of them are in opposition to others. Wisdom is like that.

This is from the sayings of the wise in the book of Proverbs.

Saying 17
Listen to your father, who gave you life,
and do not despise your mother when she is old.
Buy the truth and do not sell it—
wisdom, instruction and insight as well.
The father of a righteous child has great joy;
a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him.
May your father and mother rejoice;
may she who gave you birth be joyful!

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