June 12 - Conspiracy Proven True, AZ Audit heats up, CDC Reports vaccine deaths skyrocket

3 years ago

Tonight we will talk about Commie Joe Biden’s trip to the UK and how he continues to put America last and is the laughing stalk of the world.

There are a number of major updates for the AZ Audit including how Commie Joe and the Deep State are weaponizing the Department of inJustice once again to threaten the AZ audit but this time it did not go so well for them.

Another “conspiracy theory” has been proven true. LEGAL election ballots were in fact watermarked and I will have the proof has been shown proving once again that the Trump team knew way in advance exactly what the #CommuRat plan was and set yet another trap for them to fall into, and they did, hook, line and sinker. How many fake ballots will be uncovered and removed from the counts during all of these forensic audits? I think we are about to find out and that number will be shocking, and will expose decades of cheating.

Earlier this week we talked how the EU released their alarming numbers of vaccine deaths and injuries and tonight we will talk about the numbers just released by the CDC here in America. Sadly, they are not much better and in fact show a massive increase in deaths never before seen. We will have the hard numbers that the CDC has released.

Thanks again for all of your thoughts, prayers, and support!

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