GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy discusses border security in El Paso, Texas

3 years ago

GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy discusses border security in El Paso, Texas

McCarthy: This crisis is created by the policies of the new administration.
McCarthy says they toured a new facility that is beyond capacity and they’re building out into the parking lot. It is more than a crisis, this is a human heart break.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and other House Republicans hold a press conference along the U.S.-Mexico border.

It just 2 months President Biden has created a crisis at the border by:
• Halting Wall construction
• Placing a moratorium on deportations
• Promising a pathway to citizenship to 11 million illegal migrants

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Republican colleagues speak to press after visiting the southern border in El Paso, Texas.

Rep. María Salazar and a group of Congressional Republicans are visiting the US-Mexico border to investigate the surge of border crossings.

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