Traveling to "Space" in a Hot Air Balloon !

3 years ago

Is there an Ocean of Water Above Us ...?
The Firmament
Then God said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.” Thus God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. So the evening and the morning were the second day. - Genesis 1:6-8

The Piccards in Stratosphere and Ocean
Nov 27, 2016 Hennessy Commercial
Followed by Pictures of scenes of what must have been an AMAZING ride up !

Going from "Our" Sky to the "Ocean" that is above us.

The Sky Separates the waters that are Above us from the waters that are below us.

Additional Information:
On May 27, 1931, over the course of seventeen hours, physicist/explorer Auguste Piccard became the first man to reach the Earth’s stratosphere, touching 51,775 feet in a pressurized balloon. On January 23, 1960, Auguste’s son, Jacques, used a bathyscaphe to dive 11 kilometres below the ocean’s surface to reach the bottom of the Mariana Trench. The commercial ties the two stories together with the Hennessy VS cognac brand, featuring the question “What’s your Wild Rabbit?” and the motto, “Never stop. Never settle”.

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