Episode 5 - Pet soul contracts & animal lessons with animal communicator Elizabeth Wallace

3 years ago


Join Energy Healer & Coach Heather O'Neill in a conscious conversation with animal communicator Elizabeth Wallace as they discuss:

• What the animals have come to teach us
• Soul contracts
• How our pets support our inner journey
• The animals' directive towards love
• Animal lessons for humanity
• Support from the other side

Heather O'Neill is an Energy Alignment Coach & Energy Healer. She works with people (especially empaths) who want to understand how to heal and harness their own energy field in order to attract and live into their most fulfilling life. Heather holds a BA in psychology, is Certified in the Law of Attraction and as a hypnotist and is a Reiki Master Teacher. And of course an intuitive empath.
Heatheroneillinnerhealing.com, https://www.facebook.com/EnergyHealerHeather
Elizabeth E. Wallace is an empathic Animal Communicator.  She is intuitively gifted with the ability to connect with an animal's energy and receive information from them, and thinks of herself as the bridge to soul-centered communication with your animal.  While she remembers having this ability as a young child, it is in the last decade that Elizabeth has dedicated herself to Animal Communication and bringing its many benefits to animal lovers all over the world.  She lives in New Jersey with her two beloved dogs, Alfie and Charlotte.


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