Lost Baby Reunited with Mother - TikTok - 4.1m views in 3 days

3 years ago

Lost Baby Reunited with Mother - TikTok - 4.1m views in 3 days

Full Name: Lex Hartop

Age: 28

Location: Canterbury, Kent

Occupation: Graphic Designer

Phone Number: 07539426557

What date did you film the video? 06/06/2021 at 13:22pm

Where were you? Dymchurch, UK

Who were you with? My boyfriend, Michael Currid

Where did you find the child? We were walking down the side of the beach when we noticed a baby crawling up some steps. We were hesitant at first, then confused. The baby crawling up the second flight of concrete steps that lead from the beach to a busy road.

Was it a boy or girl? We believe it was girl

Did they say anything? The baby said "Mum!" upon seeing the Mother turn round from a distance, The Mother also said nothing, she was on the phone at the time and didn't acknowledge Michael.

How many different people did you go to before the child was reunited with their mother? We walked past 3-4 different groups of people, 1 group either side of the stairs down to the beach and another two on the beach. Around 20 people in total. The baby must have crawled a long way and was either ignored or not noticed by anybody.

How long was the process altogether? From noticing the baby to returning her to her Mother was all around 4-5minutes.

What happened after the video stopped? We drove back to Canterbury, halfway home we regretted not phoning the police or social services. By that point there was not much we could do.

How do you feel about what happened? We regret not phoning the police, but at the moment we were more concerned about reuniting the baby with its Mother.

What reactions have you had from people about the video you filmed? All positive, some people thought we should've been angry at her when we handed back her baby. But there would've been no point, she wouldn't have acknowledged it anyway. She was more concerned about the person on the phone and playing ball.

It's pretty heroic what you and your friend did, why did you decide to post it online? We were shocked by what happened, wanted to share it with our friends and family. We didn't expect it to blow up as much as it did.

It makes you think, if this is a day out at the beach, what’s it like at home?

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