African Lion 2021- HIMAR

3 years ago

Credit: Cpl. Christopher Brecht | Date Taken: 06/09/2021
U.S. Soldiers from A Battery, 1-77th Field Artillery, 41st Field Arilttery, demonstrate the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System during African Lion 2021. African Lion is U.S. Africa Command’s largest, premier, Joint, annual exercise hosted by Morocco, Tunisia and Senegal, 7-18 June. More than 7,000 participants from nine nations and NATO train together with a focus on enhancing readiness for U.S. and partner nation forces. AL21 is a multi-domain, multi-component, and multi-national exercise, which employs a full array of mission capabilities with the goal to strengthen interoperability among participants. (U.S. Army video by Cpl. Christopher Brecht)

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