ROV Hercules Dive NA117-H1795-20191014T1413UTC-90

3 years ago

E/V Nautilus is exploring unknown regions of the ocean seeking out new discoveries in biology, geology, and archaeology. Join us 24/7 for live video from the seafloor and to ask questions of our explorers currently aboard Nautilus: Subscribe to our main EVNautilus YouTube channel for expedition highlights:

This playlist includes satellite recordings of all ROV dives conducted during a single expedition cruise, with each dive divided into one-hour segments. File names include the following information:
ROV Hercules Dive--Cruise ID--Dive Number--Date[yymmdd]Time[hhmm]UTC--Recording Segment Number.

Scientific/research requests for the full video or for sub-sets of video can be made via Please note that the YouTube videos may be incomplete and are not the full resolution video. For press or licensing requests, please email

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