Powerfully Faithfully Illuminating

3 years ago

Times can change so quickly; we can have those sudden things come upon us and things change up. Have you ever had a time where your faith has been stretched way beyond what you thought you could endure? When we “grow through” huge life challenges, our faith is stretched way beyond what we thought was possible and we realize that our foundation in Christ, it holds. Being anchored in Jesus, is the best way to live life. Times are hard, but they can also be joyful and incredible as we look back with heavenly hindsight and stand in awe of God. Heart to Heart, Jesus is faithful! Many are the trials of the righteous, but God delivers us out of them all. This truth is a faith that anchors our lives, knowing that whatever we are growing through, God is with us and He, in that Providential Caring way of His, uses people all around us to bless us, encourage us, and care for us. There is never a time when we are outside the reach of Jesus Christ, He is for us and He makes every dark night shine bright. There is joy in knowing the truth that nothing and no one can extinguish the light of God. We will always have light, even in our darkest nights, God’s light will illuminate. God bless you heart to heart.

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