Roc & Raj- EP7- Mix n' Match Vax, Quarantining Changes, Gov. Extortion, Employee rights + More

3 years ago

In this episode of "Roc & Raj" we discuss the tying of vaccination rates 
to unlocking us from the unconstitutional restrictions we are currently facing, as well as comment on some of the other violations of our constitutional rights 
and freedoms. The lifting of the 3-day hotel stay, if you are fully
 vaccinated, the coercion to vaccinate, the arbitrary disregard by leaders
 of the measures they impose, and the irrationality of it all...

Employee rights video:

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ROUGH Time Codes:
0:40- The big human experiment. Mixing of vaccines
2:20 - Medical experimentation/crimes against humanity
3:23 - Which vax company is liable if you get hurt?
8:05 - Doctors reporting adverse vax reactions/deaths
9:42 - Government extortion
14:18 - 14 day forced quarantine period lifted for fully vaxxed people
17:23 - Only accepting vaccines authorized by Canada
18:50 - Still have to show a negative covid test pre-departure
19:06 - They raised the fine to $5000
21:06 - Censorship, an agenda and control
21:44- No one can stop you from coming back to your country
23:00 - Experts like Dr. B. Bridle being censored
24:05 - Are people making decisions about health from a worn down, fatigued place? 

26:14 - Not ALL countries have adopted the vax agenda
27:23 - Employment and your rights
30:21 - Leaders breaking rules, they implement and enforce
32:56 - Ignoring rules when it serves them?
36:23 - Our fight with Youtube
37:46 - Are you in for a WHM Training Day?? Self-defence, Stress management/resiliency, know your rights, yoga and breath-work?

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