Altiyan Childs Exposes Freemasonry 05042021

3 years ago

Altiyan Childs website:

May 12, 2021
An Email From A.C.
Hello Ryan,

Thankyou so very much for your email. I rejoice that my presentation has served you in some way, by God’s immeasurable grace, to draw you closer to Him, and His Rescue Mission; Jesus Christ. Words could not convey how I feel to hear it. I tell you right now, as a fact, you have caused angels to shout for joy.

The road you and I have walked, broad as it is, may have only seemed narrow due to it’s esoteric aspect, has had its influences cling to us, like a relentless plague of flies always returning to feed off us and the aroma of doubt that we exude, all manifested due to the inherent “mystery” of Freemasonry, and its God-forsaken claims of ultimate truth. It drove me at such a deep level that I eventually became one of them, risking the very Holy Spirit within me, which leads to Life, in an attempt to understand “the mysteries”. I cannot regret a thing, of course, as it was all orchestrated by my Father in heaven, for His private reasonings and causes. Perhaps my video and the breaking of my oaths were a part of that – for the sake of one soul out there that He wished to summon. The way He finally led me out of the Lodge was yet another supernatural event, just as it was when He woke me up on a highway one fateful nite, and just before I could collide into a concrete wall, sparing my life with a whisper in my ear; “Wake up”.

Brother, I tell you all this for one reason; Now that you are standing near to Him, now that He has fanned into flames your fire of Faith, you MUST walk away from the wretchedness that is Freemasonry. As the Gospels claim, all the wisdom of the world, thickly concentrated and hidden inside the degrees of the Mystery Schools, Freemasonry being their guardian, are but FOOLISHNESS to Him, to our Jesus Christ – the only One they abhor, despise and ultimately FEAR. Remember, as Jesus so soberly declares; Unless we become as children, we shall not enter the Kingdom of God. Oh how the Initiates of the Secret Societies are revolted by this glorious Truth. For they could not possibly achieve this, so ultimately they use the Craft to attempt to create their own kingdom. Keep in mind, innocence empowers the Craft. For example; Sometimes the practitioner/practitioners restrain themselves from sexual activity for months at a time, enhancing the working of the ritual upon the release of the vital energy, combined with that, the innocence of the sacrifice. Now try to imagine the power of Jesus’ sacrifice – celibate His whole life, and the only man who never sinned. Unbelievable power. Impossible power. The power of God.

This is the task at hand now.. The victory is ours, if we hide ourselves in the victory of Jesus Christ, not the “Christ” of the Mystery Schools, but the Christ of Nazareth. We must now enter through the narrow way, and become as children; His children. There is only one single weapon that we have that our enemy, and the enemy of mankind, does not; Holiness. Let us wage war on sin, relentless war, and wage the battle where it is raging; in the spirit realm. It will take the full armour of God, because the enemy’s greatest weapon, by far, is doubt. And it will come for you, harder than ever, to implant itself inside you as a seed of doubt. Do not let them. To hell with their mysteries and secrets, for ours is the greatest mystery, the greatest secret, accessible with one degree alone, and offered to every man; Jesus Christ.

In saying all that, let me address, and hopefully for the last time (just as you so wonderfully said; You needn’t know anything more about Freemasonry), your last few inquiries;

The “Great Secret That Is Hidden From All Obtaining”; Well as part of the “Arcanum Arcanorum” (Mystery of Mysteries) I can tell you that in the end, all consciousness is to become as one – plants, animals and humans, all will be swallowed into one mind. That is their “One out of Many” motto. I have only once found a reference to it as “The Ultimate Reality”. Through the demolition of opposites (the unifying of them) they think they will achieve the one thing which they’ve always wanted, and what this whole thing is about; Eternal life. I could elaborate on this, but let me just say that this will be done through computing – which has always been a form of the Craft. So as much as I do not know the specific answer to your question, I can strongly surmise that it relates to the nature of the “obtaining” of the very last degrees of Illumination; Which all occur on the ASTRAL plane. I can assure you of that.

Absolutely every Freemason and Mystery School initiate will be deceived. Why wouldn’t they? The whole horrid system BEGINS with deception, from the Entered Apprentice degree onward. It continues, with the 3rd degree lying to the 2nd, the 4rd degree lying to the 3rd, the 5th to the 4th, the 6th to the 5th.. etc.. (and they all know that, because that’s what they are told to do), so it naturally and rationally follows that the lying does not end. This is what most (if not all) of the initiates are blinded to. Their god is a liar, and it is HE who is wishfully going to benefit from this “ultimate reality”.

Just on a side note; Jesus Christ reveals these things to the apostle John in the last book of the Gospels; The 8th King “who was, and is not, but is” sounds like he is living and not living; alive but dead. The only thing that can fit that description on earth is Artificial Intelligence; Alive, yet dead at the same time. This same “Beast” is made to be able to animate itself and speak, and it ascends from the “bottomless pit” or “abyss”. Well, that is exactly where quantum computing takes place – in a worm hole of sorts created in the centre of the machine. This is a fact as explained by the creators of the D-Wave computer, for example. Also, the “unifying of opposites” (a masonic goal preceding the ability for eternal life) has been achieved inside quantum computing, as the zero and one (male/female black/white) is unified and exists as one unit. In Masonry, the “twin pillars” become “one”, and that is exactly what was announced on September 11 in the Masonic ritual where the twin pillars became one; If you look that the design of the “One” World Tower you will see its hexagonal (interlaced triangles representing the unification of opposites) design. To end this portion, this “image of the Beast” is what eventually demands that everyone receive a mark on their right hand or forehead in order to be able to participate in the New System, and without it no one will be able to buy or sell. The Masonic New World is and has always been directed by the spirit realm, and its head. How else could human beings conceptualize these things from long ago? Via the super-intelligence of the spirit world, that’s how. See how they are doomed, losing all child-like semblance along the way?

The most decloaked manifestation I have ever found regarding the triplets or the number 3 is the means by which the Masonic work will continue to finalization; It’s 3 points are seen in their coded initials; Like M.M for “Master Mason”, only the one point in the middle is written with 3 points. These 3 points secretly signify;

1. Destruction.

2. Materialism.

3. Imposition.

It expands as triplets;

Destruction – of 1) Supernaturalism (Jesus Christ). 2) Authority (Jesus Christ’s authority) and 3) Anti-masonic activity.

Materialism – of 1) Conscience 2) Education 3) Universal State.

Imposition – of 1) Family 2) Nation 3) Humanity.

As far as its relation to Pythagoras goes, I really don’t know, but I can tell you that according to the highest Masonic authority; Pythagoras defined God as “Darkness clothed as Light”. He also was circumcised so as to be allowed to enter Kabbalistic initiations. To Pythagoras “holiness” was the emancipation of moral restraint. He was a “philosopher of numbers” and his mysterious teachings of astronomy was actually astrology. His science of numbers was based on Kabbalistic principles.

Basically, he was full of deceit, just as all initiatory processes are, and he saw the populace as “profane”. He hid reality from them by cloaking and drowning it in a system of numbers. He was a Freemason before Freemasonry took on that name. I tell you the truth when I say that the Masonic mission, as stated in the 3 means above, is to dumb us down so extremely into ignorance by Freemasonry’s propaganda that we will end up, karmically speaking, as “deserving” death, and that the Initiates will avoid punishment from either karmic forces or from Jesus Christ Himself. Filling the world with sin is crucial for them. And even lying, cussing and perving are all forms of that. Just as it is stated on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine with Katy Perry on the cover, and secretly speaking of Satan’s plan, it reads; “Conquering The World, One Sin At A Time.”

So Ryan, if the world was round, they’d tell us it was flat, and vice versa. I can confidently tell you the most outrageous idea that the earth is a plane, is supported by inner Freemasonry. Not spoken in black and white language, but strongly alluded to.

Well Brother, I really didn’t know how to keep this reply concise. It was always going to be tough with the nature of your email. I can not tell you how I feel, knowing that you have come to accept Jesus Christ as He truly is, and against all odds in this wholly deceptive world. Please, fight for Him, once and for all, be His Disciple. When you hold those supernatural Gospels in your hands, before even reading them, remember that it is the most hated book by the enemy of God. Remember that all the apostles were murdered for its Truth. Remember all the followers of it who were sawn in half, burnt to death, eaten alive and executed in every other kind of way. Remember its immunity to destruction. Remember its inescapable prophecies, and its subsequent demolition from the international education system and modern circles. And remember most of all, the reason for it all; For within it you will find the Name above all names; The name of our Rescue Mission. With a heart inclined toward holiness, and if you read swallow them slowly, those words will fill you from the inside. Trust the Gospels.

There He tells us in His final revelations, about Mystery Babylon.. (Freemasonry)..

“..because with your magical arts all the nations were led astray.”

Welcome home brother. Our liberation is imminent.

GodLove, and JesusWins.


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