SCP-149 | The Blood Flies

3 years ago

SCP Orientation is an archive of files of the SCP Foundation.

On today’s agenda: Item number SCP-149: The Blood Flies, Object class: Keter.

SCP-149 is a breed of mosquito which carries a strain of retrovirus (herein referred to as SCP-149-A) that mutates regenerating human cells into fertilized mosquito eggs. SCP-149-A quickly works on the nucleus of the cells, warping the DNA. The first set of cells bred from these changed instructions closely resemble cysts, and are concentrated in the lining of the esophagus and the sinuses. Upon dissection, however, these 'cysts' are revealed to be filled with SCP-149's larvae.

Infection by SCP-149 is fatal, and chance of infection has been estimated to be 50% from one bite.

Proceed with caution.

This video is derived from and released under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0. Contributor: Arlecchino

Voice Over Artist: Greg Katerman; Twitter: @DatGreyMind

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