EP. 32 | A View to a Vril

3 years ago

Did a 19th century novelist accidentally tap into a long hidden truth about an underground race of godlike beings who control an electrical fluid called the Vril? Of course not. But that hasn't stopped plenty of folks from claiming it as fact, including Theosophists, Nazis, New Agers, a race car driver turned UFO church guru and psychologist Wilhelm Reich (kind of). Just to name a few.

01:47 - Author, Author - Edward Bulwer-Lytton writes a book or 40
04:24 - The Coming Race, Blavatsky chimes in
08:25 - Vril für das Vaterland - supposition as history, the Society for Truth, the Black Sun, the Vienna Circle (2.0), Nazi occultism, the Morning of the Magicians
12:07 - Maria Orsic - the Vril Society, Nazi UFOs, alien contact, plus she was super pretty
14:43 - Karl Haushofer and the Vril Society
16:25 - What's the Time? It's Time to Get Vril! - Norbert Jürgen Ratthofer, Jan Van Helsing, Lords of the Black Stone (Templars meet Nazis), using telepathy to contact aliens, the aliens are a little bit racist
19:56 - The Vril can create or destroy, Foo Fighters, Operation Paperclip had a secret
21:29 - Just Vril Out, Man - Gray Barker, Frank Stranges and Valiant Thor (Commander X), Venusian space commander; Frank Stranges - preacher and prophet
25:36 - The Vrillon Incident - we interrupt this broadcast, Claude Vorilhon and International Raëlian Movement/Church
30:42 - Wilhelm Reich - Here Today, Orgone Tomorrow
36:03 - Mistakenly arrested, retreat to Orgonon, Maine, more allegations
38:15 - UFOs and HIGs becoming bothersome - Deadly Orgone Radiation (DOR), cloudbuster machines, weather control, HIGs (Hoodlums in Government), legal injunction, UFO battles in the desert, arrested again, the US government burns books
43:01 - Reich's legacy, a big hit with the counterculture

Music by Fanette Ronjat

LAPSUS LINGUAE: I accidentally call the Isle of Wight the Isle of Wright at 27:46

More on this stuff:
Online copy of Vril, The Power of the Coming Race by Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton https://sacred-texts.com/atl/vril/
The Coming Race on Project Gutenberg https://gutenberg.org/ebooks/1951
Black Sun by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke https://www.amazon.com/Black-Sun-Esoteric-Politics-Identity/dp/0814731554
The Morning of the Magicians by Louis Pauwels & Jacques Bergier https://www.amazon.com/Morning-Magicians-Societies-Conspiracies-Civilizations/dp/1594772312
Castle Werfenstein and the Wonder Women of Vril by William Hinson https://bookshop.org/books/castle-werfenstein-and-the-wonder-women-of-vril-maria-orsic-and-the-beings-of-light/9781973160793
Louis Jacolliot on Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Jacolliot
The Vril Society essay by Terry Melanson https://www.conspiracyarchive.com/NWO/Vril_Society.htm
The Goddess of the Devil: Hitler's Medium by Mart Sander - full text online http://thegoddessofthedevil.com/uploads/The-Goddess-Of-The-Devil-by-Mart-Sander-full-manuscript-pdf.pdf
Maria Orsic article by Maximillien De lafayette https://www.amazon.com/Maria-orsic-originated-created-earths/dp/1300599375
Occult Secrets of Vril by Robert Sepehr https://www.amazon.com/Occult-Secrets-Vril-Goddess-Potential/dp/1943494029/
The Unknown Hitler by Wulf Schwarzwaller https://www.amazon.com/Hitler-Private-Fortune-Zenith-English/dp/0915765632
The Vril Project book as slideshow https://archive.org/details/DasVrilProjekt/page/n4/mode/2up
Extract from "van hilsing" (sic) book http://www.galactic-server.com/rune/vril4.html
gray barker episode
The Stranger at the Pentagon by Frank Stranges https://www.amazon.com/Stranger-Pentagon-Dr-Frank-Stranges/dp/1530509343
Vrillon article in The Independent https://www.independent.co.uk/news/long_reads/vrillon-hacking-alien-voice-seventies-extra-terrestrial-hoax-unexplained-mysteries-a8069926.html
The Book that Tells the Truth by "Rael" (Claude Vorilhon) https://www.amazon.com/Book-that-Tells-Truth-Messages/dp/B0044KBFF6
Space Aliens Took Me to Their Planet by "Rael" https://www.amazon.com/Space-Aliens-Took-Their-Planet/dp/B0000EE3DC
The Mass Psychology of Fascism by Wilhelm Reich https://www.amazon.com/Mass-Psychology-Fascism-Wilhelm-Reich/dp/0374508844

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