The Drug Economy. Part 4. The Dangerous Truth about Today's Marijuana with Laura Stack

3 years ago

Colorado state legislature is sending a unified message of concern about what high-potency products might do to young people.

Lawmakers recently gave final approval to the most sweeping regulatory bill for the cannabis industry since legalization.

Cannabis in Colorado has been legal for medical use since 2000 and for recreational use since late 2012. So, what have been the effects on drug usage and health and well-being. Do parents and the general public have sufficient knowledge of this drug, its effects on young people and the industry that promotes it?

Johnny’s Ambassadors is a non-partisan, non-profit, grass-roots alliance of individuals and organizations around the globe concerned about the harms of youth marijuana use. Members seek to reduce youth marijuana use through education, prevention, and awareness using evidence-based, scientific research and experts to teach the impacts of today’s high-THC marijuana on youth mental illness and suicide.

Laura Stack is Founder & CEO of Johnny's Ambassadors

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