"Global Warming" Replaces Whitey as USA's Big Threat, Kamala Cookies & Obama's a 'Very Fine' Person

3 years ago

President Biden, making an ass of himself abroad, told a group of Armed Forces in Britain that America has a great threat. Not the one that has been drilled into your head for the past 6 months, no, not White Supremacy. It's GLOBAL WARMING (not Climate Change Joe?).

Kamala Harris is also traveling; with similar results. Her interview with NBC was atrocious and made Biden cringe. Comparing the US/Mexico Border to Europe was a Galaxy Brain rationality, but she handed out cookies to the elites with her likeness on them. But it's k because it was a private event. CNN reports she was an embarrassment.

I think we found the last person on earth who genuinely believes the "Very fine people" hoax. Unfortunately, it's Barry O. He also thinks January 6 was a disaster too. He's a smart guy.

Breitbart 1: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/06/09/joe-biden-not-a-joke-global-warming-the-greatest-threat-facing-america/
B2: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/06/07/vice-presidents-office-on-defense-after-faceless-kamala-cookies-go-viral/
New York Post: https://nypost.com/2021/06/09/biden-admin-officials-perplexed-at-harris-performance-during-central-america-trip/
B3: https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2021/06/07/obama-worrisome-republicans-cowed-to-neo-nazi-praising-trump-by-assaulting-voting/

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#KamalaCookies #GlobalWarming #VeryFinePeople

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