Build your own AR-47 pistol AR15 (7.62x39) Parts List

3 years ago

This AR pistol built myself after realising that I needed protection for SHTF about to happen. The list of components are below:

Diamondback DB15 Mil Spec Lower
CMC Flat Face Single Stage Trigger (4.5LB)
Ambidextrous Safety (Bad Ass)
Anti Roll Pins (Bad Ass)
Daniel Defense grip and trigger guard
Ambidextrous Charging Handle (by Tuff Zone)
7.5" 1:7 twist Moriarty Barrel sold by Zaviar Arms (Longwood FL)
KAK INDUSTRY 1/2-28 "FLASH CAN" (Phoenix AZ)
Battle Arms Development Lightweight Titanium Gas Block .750
BCM MCMR 10" Floating M-Lok handguard
WMD Nickel Boron BCG
Black Rifle Arms (BRA) Enhanced 7.62x39 Firing Pin
Maxim Defense CQB Stabilizer
Geissele Super 42 H2 Buffer and spring
Eotech XPS 2-2 Optic (non Night Vision)
Trijicon (3x) Magnifier
Troy Industries V1 flip up sights
Magpul AFG-2 Vertical 45 degree front grip
Olight Valkyrie pro light 1,500 lumens

My Youtube Channel:

The most important part and you should buy the best you can afford is the (BCG) Bolt Carrier Group ...... I have over 5,000 rounds through my WMD BCG and it looks and performs like the day I installed it !

It shoots any Russian and Chinese round made......I've had 2-3 misfires that would not shoot after two attempts and they were just a bad rounds.

The pistol shoots 1 to 1.5 (MOA) at 150 yards, she is very accurate and dependable thanks to the optics and the 1:7 twist barrel. If you build one expect the cost to reach in the ballpark of around $2,000 (that's what I Invested).......and that's using battle proven components.

You can build one like I did simply watching Youtube videos and the cost it's up to you...... The usual cost should be around $800 to $1,000 dollars for a good quality rifle-Pistol, and if your life depends on it...... "DO NOT BUY CHEAP JUNK" ....You will spend more repairing and replacing parts on low cost builds......

Cleaning your gun after every use is important and checking your gas rings and proper lubrication......Keep her clean and lubricated and she will always be reliable.

Ask any questions and I will try to give you the most accurate information and will reply as soon as I can..... Thanks for watching !

Phoenix Arizona

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