God's Love Is Gone From The World...Forgive & Bring It Back...

3 years ago

144,000 Family Lines Enter Into Heaven. Each of those family Lines has Between 4 and 5 Thousand members. This means there are between 576,000,000 & 720,000,000 Or The “Myriads & Myriads In Heaven. The Vast Majority are husbands and wives Paired Up to become 1 eternal being in Heaven and count as 1 person and not 2. This is because women are eternal beings who are in a fallen state after Eve Ate from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.
Sexual desire is actually a desire to enter into the body of women because they have this eternal body. By serving a man women become Holy and make their husbands holy because they are spiritual made perfect at the foundation of the World. Each of these men becomes Holy through the marriage relationship, a proving ground for the 144,000. To succeed they must read the bible according to the Law of Fruit Tree 3 hours a day for the rest of their lives until the Messianic age begins. The knowledge they learn is equivalent to the Mind of Christ/Messiah/Melchizedek. They obey every word of God in this life and have the knowledge of how to live 1,000 years. This video will identify them and what they learn and how they do it.

If I speak in
the tongues of
men and of
angels, but have not
love, I am
only a ringing
gong or a
clanging cymbal.
 If I have the
gift of prophecy 
and can fathom 
all mysteries 
and all knowledge, 
and if I have
 absolute faith
 so as to move 
but have not love, 
I am nothing. 
If I give all I
possess to the poor
and exult in the
surrender of my
but have not
I gain nothing...

Berean Study Bible

Does any one of
you, when he
has a case against
his neighbor, dare
to go to law
before the unrighteous,
and not before
the saints? 
Or do you not
know that the
saints will judge
the world?
And if the world
is judged by you,
are you not
competent to constitute
 the smallest law
Do you not know
that we shall judge
How much more,
matters of this life?
If then you have
law courts dealing
with matters of this
life, do you
appoint them
as judges who
are of no account
in the church?
I say this to
your shame.
 Is it so, that 
there is not among
you one wise man
who will be able
to decide between
his brethren, 
but brother goes
to law with brother,
and that before
Actually, then, it is
already a defeat
for you, that
you have lawsuits
with one
Why not rather be
Why not rather
be defrauded?
On the contrary,
you yourselves
wrong and defraud,
and that your 
brethren. Or do
you not know that
the unrighteous
shall not inherit
the kingdom of
Do not be deceived;
neither fornicators,
nor idolaters,
nor adulterers,
nor effeminate,
nor homosexuals,
nor thieves, nor the
 covetous, nor
nor revilers,
nor swindlers,
shall inherit
the kingdom of
And such were
some of you;
but you were
washed, but
you were sanctified,
but you were
justified in the
name of the
YahWay, YahWayShua,
Mashiach The Christ
& Melchizedek,
in the
Spirit of Our Elohim.

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